Now Is The Time To Lead by Example

I think it is safe to say 2020 hasn’t started how any of thought it was going to. I wake up everyday and the first thing to comes to mind is, “what do I need to fear today?”. I makes me so sad that our children have to experience this and how this pandemic will change the we live going forward. We still don’t know how all this will play out, I am assuming it is going to end, but who really knows these days.

To keep may sanity, I am trying to focus on things I have control over. I have control over my exposure to some degree by home isolation as someone with Asthma this is so important for me. I can control what I eat, my fitness by running instead of the gym and doing some yoga and core workouts at home. I trying to restrict my internet (outside of work and coaching) to limit my exposure to all the sadness surrounding the coronovirus. I watch the news once a day to stay informed, otherwise doing a puzzle, which keeps me off my phone and distracted from the depressing state of the world right now. They say that when in home isolation it’s important to have a routine otherwise Netflix can easily take your entire day. Don’t get me wrong, I have done my share of binge watching but as long as I have get out and walk my dog or do some yard work for at least 30 mins, then I have done enough to help keep my head clear through all this crazy.

I follow actors and celebrities on social media as do many of you, I am sure. It’s an interesting time when you think about it, regardless of how much money you have in your bank account or how famous you are, we are all living similar lives right now. It’s unprecedented and will be the only time in our lifetime that we experience something like this and makes me feel like we are all in this together regardless of who you are. I love that celebrities are using their platform to urge others to follow the same restrictions that most of us are. How we all show up in the world right now will never have a bigger impact on society. There is no better time then now to lead by example. If you are parent, please help your teenager understand why following the restrictions in place are so important. I know it is fucking hard, it’s hard for everyone, I am pretty sure my teenager hates me every time I have to shut down his request to hangout with friends. This isn’t forever. This is temporary. If we all do our part and follow the restrictions in place, then maybe we can stop this before it kills someone you care about. How we lead today impacts everything and everyone for tomorrow. So let’s all lead by example.

“Leaders find ways of giving expression to collective hopes for the future”

Kouzes and Posner (2012)

Published by robynnedevine

In 2020 I completed an MA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a specialization in Leadership in Organizational Culture at Royal Roads University. I am currently working in higher education for BCcampus as a Senior Project Manager for Collaborative Projects. I lead a coaching community of practice at my workplace which I developed as part of my Masters.